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Phillip started his bookkeeping and management consultation firm in 2022 to help communities heal. He remains committed to be an affordable CFO solution to nonprofits and people. Phillip's career spans over 17 years with experience as CFO, COO and ED at groundbreaking institutions. Phillip was the Finance Director and day-to-day Lead Accountant for Point Reyes National Seashore Association, the largest nonprofit partner to Point Reyes National Park Service. Prior to living in Northern California, he was the first Executive Director of Color at Intiman Theatre which is a nonprofit in Seattle, WA and where he championed free tickets to welcome more people. Throughout his financial journey, Phillip orchestrated impactful strategies like driving a phenomenal 62% increase in nonprofit income within a year and dedicated to mission-driven endeavors. He also played a pivotal role in retiring a substantial $2.7 million debt and obligations. Phillip has an MBA from Fordham University and was involved in the financing and management of the Tony award nominated play ECLIPSED and received a co-producer nomination, 2016. He also is a Seattle Mayor’s Arts Award recipient, 2019. Personally, Phillip has a love for cycling along the north bay in China Camp and his favorite part of his job is payroll, paying people is a privilege and it's one way to say thank you. More details at

Ruben Guadiana, CEO

“Phillip’s biggest strength is the CFO knowledge he possesses on top of the detailed bookkeeping that has helped my business grow. He helped me create a business pipeline with high level B2B strategies and it’s working.”

John Casaudoumecq, Board Member

"Our nonprofit is a stronger organization as a result of the contributions of a few leaders, and you were certainly one of them."

Sarah Hobson, Executive Director

"Phillip is a proactive and skilled collaborator, driven by a commitment to efficiency and effectiveness, always patient and open to discussion, readily providing information, and dedicated to answering questions and educating clients who want to increase their knowledge and understanding."

Blanca Chang Johnson, Board Member

"Thank you so much for everything you've done at PRNSA. Your thoughtful leadership and partnership during Covid was particularly important.  You’ve made an impact in so many key ways, across multiple areas, both visibly and behind the scenes."


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